Native Flowers
Showing 13–24 of 244 results
Allium textile
Textile Onion/White Wild OnionA white-flowered onion of the Great Plains that thrives in dry soils.
Allium tricoccum
Wild LeekThe classic early-spring Allium of mature woodlands.
Amorpha canescens
Lead Plant$8.79 – $9.89This classic, silvery shrub of upland prairies is versatile and fixes nitrogen!
Amorpha fruticosa
False Indigo$8.79 -
Amorpha nana
Fragrant False Indigo$8.79This beautiful, vibrant green shrub with purple flowers fixes nitrogen and is excellent for pollinators.
Anaphalis margaritacea
Pearly Everlasting$5.49This wildflower has unique, long-lasting flowers and is excellent for butterflies.
Anemone canadensis
Canada Anemone$8.79These short beauties have buttercup-like flowers and thrive in areas with moisture.
Anemone cylindrica
ThimbleweedUpright-growing plants with white flowers and thimble-like seed heads.
Anemone patens (Pulsatilla patens)
Pasque Flower$8.79Quintessential, early-spring beauty with lavender flowers that bloom before much of the prairie springs into action.
Anemone virginiana
Tall Thimbleweed$9.89A woodland Anemone that grows upright, topped by thimble-like seed heads.
Anemonella thalictroides
Rue AnemoneThis small, delicate wildflower is one of the first woodland plants to bloom in the spring!
Photo by and (c)2007 Derek Ramsey
Antennaria neglecta
Cat's PawBeautiful and unique ground cover with soft, fuzzy leaves and flowers that resemble the pads on cats’ feet.