Located in the heart of the prairie region of west-central Minnesota, Morning Sky Greenery is a nursery specializing in MN native prairie wildflowers and grasses. We are impressed with the beauty, vigor and usefulness of these native plants. Morning Sky Greenery is dedicated to helping preserve this important part of our natural heritage. We invite you to visit by appointment. Please call to find a time that works for everyone.
To browse plants by category or suggested use visit Help Choosing Native Plants.
(click to see message winter update at bottom of Welcome/Home Page)
NOTE: Our plants are grown in west-central Minnesota (USDA plant hardiness zone 4) and are best suited to the Midwest and Northeast. We encourage customers ordering for the Southeast (GA, FL, AL, SC, MS) and California to support nurseries within their climate! Please review our policies here before ordering.
Showing 1–12 of 21 results
Amorpha fruticosa
False Indigo -
Asclepias incarnata
Swamp MilkweedA moisture-loving milkweed with vibrant pink-red flowers. Truly excellent for butterflies and bees.
Baptisia australis
Blue Wild IndigoA vase-shaped legume that produces abundant blue-purple flowers and is excellent for bumblebees.
Elymus virginicus
Virginia Wild Rye$12.00 -
Eupatorium perfoliatum
Boneset -
Euthamia graminifolia (Solidago graminifolia)
Grass-Leaved Goldenrod -
Eutrochium maculatum (Eupatorium maculatum)
Joe-Pye Weed -
Galium boreale
Northern Bedstraw -
Helenium autumnale
Sneezeweed -
Lobelia siphilitica
Great Blue Lobelia -
Lysimachia quadriflora
Prairie Loosestrife -
Mimulus ringens
Monkey Flower