Trillium grandiflorum

Trillium grandiflorum

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Large-Flowered Trillium Category:


Please Note: Spring ephemeral. These bulbs come up, bloom early, and go into dormancy during hot weather. If purchased for spring delivery they will be either coming out of dormancy or actively growing mid-spring. If purchased late spring through fall they will be either going into dormancy or dormant and will not grow until the following spring.

Key Information:

Soil: Hydric (Moist) – Mesic (Medium)
Sun: Part Sun – Shade
Height: 1 foot
Bloom Color: White
Bloom Season: April – June

More Details:

Suggested Uses: Large-flowered Trilliums are excellent plants for woodland gardens or restorations.  They are great options for planting under evergreens. It has the largest flower of any Minnesota Trillium. 

Native Range: Native to the Great Lakes and Appalachia. Native to eastern Minnesota.

Pollinators: Bees. Seeds are dispersed by ants.

Flowers: The flowers are 2″-4″ wide with 3 wavy-edged petals, 3 green sepals, 6 stamens and yellow anthers. The petals can turn pink or purple before fading.

Leaves: The 3-6″ pointed leaves are a whorl of 3 just beneath the single flower.

Food Uses: The young leaves can be eaten in salad, or cooked if collected before the flowers appear. Consume at your own risk.

Other Names: White-flowered Trillium 

More information: USDA plant profile

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs




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