Tradescantia ohiensis

Tradescantia ohiensis

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Ohio Spiderwort Categories: ,


Key Information:

Soil: Mesic (Medium) – Xeric (Dry). Drought tolerant.
Sun: Full Sun – Part Sun
Height: 2-4 feet
Bloom Color: Blue-Lavender
Bloom Season: May – August

More Details:

Suggested Uses: This flower is a nice addition to the wildflower garden! Ohio Spiderwort is more erect than the Prairie/Bracted Spiderwort (Tradescantia bracteata). Like the Prairie Spiderwort the blooms are very showy, opening in the morning and closing by midday. Individual flowers last only one day but the plants have a long bloom season. Grows well in sandy soils.

Native Range: Native to the eastern half of the U.S. Native to the far southeastern tip of Minnesota.

Pollinators: Bees, especially bumblebees. The flowers are nectarless but they provide a valuable pollen source.

Flowers: The 1-2″ flowers have 3 petals, 3 sepals, 6 yellow stamens.

Leaves: The leaves are 8-15″ long, linear and folded lengthwise.

Lakota & Dakota Uses: Like T. bracteata, T. ohiensis – Čhaŋȟlóǧaŋ pȟáŋpȟaŋla – is used as a blue dye or paint. Read more from Linda Black Elk here and Maštíŋčala Sáŋ here.

Food Uses: The young leaves and stems can be eaten raw and cooked (at your own risk). The flowers can be eaten like candy. Carefully wet and dry the flowers, brush with beaten egg white, sprinkle with sugar, and let dry.

Name: Named for John Tradescant – Royal gardener for King Charles I.

Other Names: Job’s Tears, Widow Tears, Blue Jacket

More information: USDA plant profile

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs

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