Polemonium reptans

Polemonium reptans

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Jacob's Ladder Category:


Key Information:

Soil: Mesic (Medium)
Sun: Full Sun – Part Shade
Height: 8-24″
Color: Lavender
Bloom: April – May

More Details:

Suggested Uses: Jacob’s Ladder blooms profusely in part sun.  It is low-growing and is great for softening harsh edges in gardens and woodlands. The arrangement of the leaflets along the leaf stalk resembles a tiny ladder.

Native Range: Native to the east-central U.S., including the southeastern corner of Minnesota.

Pollinators: Provides an important early-season food source for bees and beneficial flies.

Flowers: The bell-shaped flowers are 3/4″ wide, with 5 flaring lobes and 5 white-tipped stamens. They bloom on clusters on the top of the plant.

Leaves: The leaves are divided into a feather-like arrangement of many ovate or lance-shaped leaflets. Each leaflet is about 1/2″ to 1 1/2″ long with pointed tips.

Other Names: Greek Valerian

More information: USDA plant profile

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs

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