Physalis virginiana

Physalis virginiana

Photo: from Southeastern Flora

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Virginia Groundcherry Category:


Key Information:

Soil: Xeric (Dry)
Sun:  Sun – Part Sun
Height:  1-2 feet
Bloom Color:  Creamy yellow with greenish dark purple throat.
Bloom Season: June – August

More Details:

Suggested Uses: This is an excellent plant for the educational gardens. Ground Cherry is native to the prairie and thrives in sandy and poor quality soils.

Native Range: Native throughout most of the contiguous U.S. except for the West Coast. Native throughout the state of Minnesota.

Pollinators: Small bees

Flowers:  Five-lobed, pendulous bell-shaped. Ground Cherry produces reddish-orange berries enclosed in papery sheaths – similar to a tomatillo.

Leaves:  Similar to other plants in the Nightshade family.

Food Uses:  All parts of this plant are toxic except for the fruit which are edible raw or cooked when ripe.

More information: USDA plant profile

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs





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