Phlox divaricata

Phlox divaricata

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Wild Blue Phlox Category:


Key Information:

Soil: Mesic (Medium)
Sun: Part Sun – Shade
Height: 6″-24″
Color: Lavender
Bloom: April – June

More Details:

Suggested Uses: Wild Blue Phlox is a very beautiful plant with fragrant flowers in the spring. It is an excellent plant for the shade garden or an east facing flower bed. It’s relatively long period of bloom makes this wildflower a happy addition to the garden for  early season enjoyment!

Native Range:  Native to the eastern half of the U.S., including the southern half of Minnesota.

Pollinators:  Butterflies and hummingbirds.

Flowers: The 5 petals unite to form a trumpet-shaped tube. They are 3/4″-1 1/2″ across, with 5 stamens, 1 pistil, and 3 stigmas.

Leaves: The opposite leaves are ovate, to lance shaped, 1″-2″ long, and un-stalked. They grow from a somewhat sticky stem.

More information: USDA plant profile

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs




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