Penstemon digitalis

Penstemon digitalis

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Foxglove Beardstongue Categories: ,


Key Information:

Soil: Mesic (Medium)
Sun: Full Sun – Shade
Height: 2-3 feet
Bloom Color: White
Bloom Season: June – July

More Detail:

Suggested Uses: Foxglove Beardstongue is a very showy white Penstemon that grows well in a wide variety of sun exposures. Grows well in sandy rocky and sandy areas. It is also a great option for heavy clay soils. It is a great plant for attracting hummingbirds and is beautiful in flower arrangements. Grows well in a semi-shaded rain garden.

Native Range: Native to the eastern half of the contiguous U.S., particularly along the Mississippi River Valley and in the Northeast.  Native to a few counties on Minnesota’s eastern border.

Pollinators: Native bees (including bumble bees), hummingbirds and beneficial wasps and flies. It is favored by the federally endangered Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (Bombus affinis).

Flowers: The bell-shaped flowers are 1 inch long and grow in a cluster at the top of the branches. They have delicate purple lines inside the flowers to guide insects to the nectar.

Leaves: The leaves are opposite, lance-shaped and finely toothed.

Other Names: Mississippi Penstemon

More information: USDA plant profile

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs

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