Monarda punctata

Monarda punctata

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Spotted Bee Balm Category:


Please Note: These plants are biennial. They are short-lived but will reseed. 

Key Information:

Soil: Xeric (Dry)
Sun: Full Sun – Part Sun
Height: 0.5-3 feet
Color: Yellow
Bloom: July – September

More Details:

Suggested Uses: Spotted Bee Balm is a biennial that grows very well on dry, sandy and gravelly soils. It is a very unique plant with flowers that look like mini orchids whorled around the stem. The light pink-colored bracts give it added interest!  Its foliage is aromatic like Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa). Deer resistant.

Native Range: Native to eastern and southern coastal states and the Upper Midwest. Native to some areas throughout the Desert Southwest.

Pollinators: Hummingbirds are attracted to the nectar. Also pollinated by bees and wasps. High-value nectar source for adult monarch butterflies.

Flowers: Wide-mouthed yellow flowers with purple spots bloom in circles around the square stem.

Leaves: The leaves are lance-shaped or narrowly oblong and are usually hairy.

Food Uses: Can be used for tea.

Other Names: Spotted Horsemint, Horsemint, Dotted Mint.

More information: USDA plant profiles.

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs




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