Mirabilis nyctaginea

Mirabilis nyctaginea

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Wild 4 O'Clock Category:


**Not shippable to the State of Washington: classified as a quarantined, noxious weed.**

Key Information:

Soil: Mesic (Medium) – Xeric (Dry)
Sun: Full Sun
Height: 1-3 feet
Color: Purple
Bloom: June – September

More Details:

Suggested Uses: Wild 4 O’Clocks have papery pink flowers that look like parasols and cupped leaves. They open in the late afternoon – hence the name 4-O’Clock. It is versatile and useful for all kinds of restoration projects. Grows well in disturbed areas with poor soils and can become aggressive. Reseeds readily. Better contained in moderately healthy soils. It is usually perennial but sometimes annual.

Native Range: Native throughout most of the U.S. including Minnesota.

Pollinators: They are pollinated at night by hummingbirds and multiple kinds of insects. Larval host for the white-lined sphinx moth.

Flowers: The 1/4″ flowers have 5 notched petals that fuse together at the base to form a funnel and usually only last for a day.

Leaves: The opposite leaves are 2″-4″ long and heart-shaped.

More information: USDA plant profile

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs




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