Koeleria macrantha

Koeleria macrantha


June Grass Category:


Key Information:

Soil: Xeric (Dry). Drought tolerant.
Sun: Full Sun
Height: 2 feet
Type: Cool season, perennial bunch grass.

More Details:

Suggested Uses: This bunch grass grows on sandy and gravelly soil types. It has interesting seed heads and is a nice shorter grass for landscaping! This cool season grass will go dormant mid summer but will start to grow again in the fall.

Native Range: Native throughout much of the U.S. but predominantly native to the West and the Midwest.

Wildlife Value: Great forage in spring and fall. Provides cover, nesting materials and food for birds. Host plant for several species of skipper butterflies (including the federally threatened Dakota Skipper – Hesperia dacotae) as well as Blake’s tiger moth (Grammia blakei).

Other Names:  Koeleria cristata

More information: USDA plant profile

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs

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