Deluxe Prairie Mix
$50.00 – $365.00
It is essential that flower seeds are sown with at least 30% grasses. For a “naturalized” planting or restoration, Morning Sky Greenery highly recommends sowing 50% or more grasses. Species on list may vary depending on availability, but will include those species native to our region. Add some of our seed packets for more species diversity. See individual species for seed availability!
Seeds are also sold by the scoop at our nursery. Come visit us!
Flowers typically include:
- Allium stellatum (Prairie Onion)
- Amorpha canescens (Leadplant)
- Asclepias tuberosa (Butterflyweed)
- Aster laevis (Smooth Blue Aster)
- Baptisia alba (White Wild Indigo)
- Chameacrista fasciculata (Partridge Pea)
- Coreopsis palmata (Prairie Coreopsis)
- Dalea candida (White Prairie Clover)
- Dalea purpurea (Purple Prairie Clover)
- Echinacea angustifolia (Narrow Purple Coneflower)
- Gentiana flavida (Cream Gentian)
- Heliopsis helianthoides (Oxeye Sunflower)
- Lespedeza capitata (Round-headed Bush Clover)
- Liatris pycnostachya (Prairie Blazing Star)
- Monarda fistulosa (Wild Bergamot)
- Penstemon grandiflorus (Large Flowered Beardstongue)
- Potentilla arguta (Prairie Cinquefoil)
- Pycnanthemum virginicum (Mountain Mint)
- Ratibida columnifera (Long-headed Coneflower)
- Rosa arkansana (Prairie Rose)
- Rudbeckia hirta (Black-Eyed Susan)
- Solidago speciosa (Showy Goldenrod)
- Tradescantia bracteata (Prairie Spiderwort)
- Verbena stricta (Hoary Vervain)
- Zizia aptera (Heart-leaf Golden Alexander)
- Zizia aurea (Golden Alexander)
Grasses typically include:
- Andropogon gerardii (Big Bluestem)
- Bouteloua curtipendula (Side Oat’s Grama)
- Bouteloua gracilis (Blue Grama)
- Bromus kalmii (Prairie Brome)
- Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Bluestem)
- Stipa viridula (Green Needle Grass)
We recommend 8 lbs of seeds per acre or 3.5 oz per 1000 square feet. Grasses can stand alone and can be sown without flowers. A small batch mixing fee may apply for purchases under 2.5 lbs. Prices are subject to change. Please call or email for current pricing.
Additional information
Weight | 2.0 lbs |
Size |