Carex scoparia

Carex scoparia

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Pointed Broom Sedge Category:


Key Information:

Soil: Hydric (Wet) – Mesic (Medium)
Sun: Full Sun
Height: 6-30″
Type: Cool season

More Details:

Suggested Uses: A nice fine-textured sedge for landscapes and shoreline restoration! Grows in a variety of wetland habitats and on sandy lakeshores.

Native Range: Native throughout the U.S. Particularly abundant in the Upper Midwest and New England.

Wildlife: Carex spp. are wind pollinated but still attractive and beneficial to many species of butterflies, skippers and moths which feed on the leaves.  They are excellent an source of food for a variety of birds including both song birds and waterfowl.

More information: USDA plant profile

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs



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