Caltha palustris

Caltha palustris


Marsh Marigold Category:


Key Information:

Soil: Hydric (Wet)
Sun: Full Sun – Shade
Height: 1-2 feet
Bloom Color: Yellow
Bloom Season: April – June

More Detail:

Suggested Uses: Marsh Marigold is an excellent shoreline or pond edge garden plant with beautiful golden-yellow showy flowers! It has beautiful, glossy, green and succulent-like kidney-shaped leaves.  Deer and rabbit resistant. It blooms early and can be found in calcareous fens.

Native Range:  Native to the Upper Midwest and New England. Native throughout the state of Minnesota, except for the Southwest corner.

Pollinators: Hoverflies. Attracts birds too.

Flowers: The shiny 1″-1 1/2″ flowers have 5-7 petal-like sepals, no petals, and numerous stamens and pistils.

Leaves: The glossy, succulent leaves are heart or kidney-shaped and toothed. They are about 2″-7″ wide.

Interesting Facts:

Food Uses: Spring greens are edible. The older leaves are toxic, but can be eaten after several boilings. They should not be consumed raw! The flower buds may be pickled after several boilings. Consult an expert!

Name: The common name “Marigold” is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word for marsh gold, while the latin name Caltha means “cup.”

More Information: USDA PLANT profile

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs

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