Astragalus canadensis

Astragalus canadensis

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Canadian Milkvetch Categories: ,


Key Information:

Soil: Mesic (Medium)
Sun: Full Sun to Part Sun
Height: 1-4 feet
Bloom Color: Cream White
Bloom Season: July – August

More Details:

Suggested Uses: Canadian Milkvetch is one of the vetches native to Minnesota! This is an excellent restoration plant and can also be used as a hedge. It attracts hummingbirds, birds, butterflies and has value to bees. The flowers and seed heads are very useful in bouquets. A great plant for heavy clay soils. Deer resistant.

Native Range: Native throughout most of the U.S.  Native throughout the state of Minnesota.

Pollinators:  Nectar source for hummingbirds and bees.

Flowers: The flowers are the typical trumpet-shaped flowers of the pea family, but are rather long and grow in a loose cluster at the top of the branches.

Leaves: There are many stalked leaflets – about 13 to 30. The leaflets are elliptical to oblong and smooth.

Food Uses: The roots can be gathered in the spring and eaten. Please note: Plants are potentially toxic to humans, especially children.  Foraging is only recommended under the supervision of expert foragers.

More information: USDA plant profile

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs

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