Asarum canadense

Asarum canadense

A low-growing woodland with heart-shaped leaves.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Wild Ginger Category:


Key Information:

Soil: Mesic (Medium)
Sun: Shade
Height: 4″-8″
Bloom Color: Dark red
Bloom Season: April – May

More Details:

Suggested Uses: Wild Ginger makes a lovely ground cover for any woodland garden! Grows well under evergreens. The interesting singular bell-shaped flowers are nestled underneath the foliage. Foliage has a gingery fragrance when crushed!

Native Range: Native to the eastern half of the U.S.  Native throughout Minnesota woodlands.

Pollinators: Flowers are close to the ground and are pollinated by several ground-dwelling insects.

Flowers: The 1 1/2″ flowers have no petals, but have 3 pointed sepals that form a cup-like tube. There are 12 stamens, 6 styles and an inferior ovary.  Flowers are very interesting to look at, but are often shaded by the foliage and inconspicuous!

Leaves: There are usually 2 big leaves per plant. They are roughly heart-shaped and hairy.

Other Names: Snakeroot

More information: USDA plant profile

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs




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