Artemisia ludoviciana

Artemisia ludoviciana

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Prairie Sage Category:


Key Information:

Soil: Mesic (Medium) – Xeric (Dry)
Sun: Full Sun – Part Sun
Height: 2 – 4 feet
Bloom Color: Green – Yellow and fairly inconspicuous
Bloom Season: August – October

More Detail:

Suggested Uses: The foliage of Prairie Sage is very aromatic. This plant is good for prairie restoration. It spreads from the root and can be aggressive, but is usually kept in check by alternating year to year environmental conditions. Use in smaller quantities. It is usually the last plant on the prairie with ripe seed. It can be used as a forage plant by cattle and is eaten by many wild animals. They will not seek it out in your yard!

Native Range:  Native across the U.S., with highest density in the West and the Desert Southwest. Native throughout the state of Minnesota.

Pollinators: Wind-pollinated but very attractive and important to many pollinators. Host plant for the American Lady (Vanessa virginiensis) and American Painted Lady butterflies (Vanessa cardui).

Flowers: Flowers are small, numerous and grow from leaf axils. They are fairly inconspicuous.

Leaves: The leaves are alternate, toothed or lobed, 1-4″ long. Fine hairs make these leaves soft and silvery.

Food Uses: It is NOT the same sage that you use in cooking. Can be toxic in large quantities.

Indigenous names: Pȟežíȟota (Lakota, Dakota)

Other Names: Silver Wormwood, White Sagebrush, Wild Sage, White Sage, Wormwood, White Mugwort, Western Mugwort, Louisiana sage, Darkleaf Mugwort, Mexican Sagewort, Chihuahua Sagewort, Garfield Tea, Lobed Cudweed.

More information: USDA PLANT profile

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs

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