Native Blog


Stormy Weather…

A view of some of the wind damage to our native grasses.

A view of some of the wind damage to our native grasses.

Tuesday morning, bleary eyed and still half asleep, Jen and I arrived at Morning Sky Greenery. Habitual and necessary coffee in hand, we slunk through the greenhouse to activate the new automatic watering system for the outdoor plants. Casually opening the door and conversing normally, we stepped out to activate the spigot which provides water to the automatic system. Gasps. Stepping into the back, it looked as though many of our grasses had been picked up by a crane and dropped forcefully into a pile on our forbes. Packs, flats, and plugs were strewn about in a scene that proved instantly stressful. Standing around and muttering generically surprised phrases was all we could do for at least ten minutes, as we wandered the grounds assessing the damages. A large diseased tree, thankfully destined for removal anyway, was downed by the wind directly beside our building. Luckily it fell perfectly, missing the building and also taking care of some unwanted shrubbery. Waiting for one of our supervisors to arrive, we marveled at what the wind had done. We had known that a storm occurred the night previous, but had no reason to believe that significant damage may have accompanied it. Mary and Sally soon arrived and the cleanup began. Because grasses could now be identified with some accuracy, a salvage operation was in order. As many plugs as possible were identified and organized, but the botanical horde was not without its casualties. Since Tuesday, a majority of time here has been spent organizing and replacing grasses most greatly affected. Fortunately, our stock will not be negatively affected and all grasses will be available as normal. The summer is just beginning here at Morning Sky, but we can already tell that it will be a beautiful one. Get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend!